You know those times when you go into a supermarket for one thing and then come out with something completely different? This is one such time. I went in for milk and came out with a diffuser selection and a mini doughnut maker. I should have added eggs to my random shopping, because when I got my new toy home I had to try and adapt a recipe because we had no eggs. I did however have chocolate chips so every cloud and all that.

This recipe substitutes eggs with oil. I’ve tested it a few times and each time the amount of oil is uses varies slightly. So with that in mind, the ingredients listed below use the maximum amount of oil i’ve used, it adds a bit at a time, which gives you a good gauge on whether you need to use the full amount.

60g unsalted butter
170g golden caster sugar
1 ½ teaspoons gluten free baking powder
1 ½ teaspoons xanthan gum
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
150 g gluten free plain flour
8 fluid ozs milk
8 fluid ozs olive oil
4 oz chocolate chips

Preheat the mini doughnut maker

In a bowl cream together the butter and the caster sugar until it becomes light and fluffy.

Add the baking powder, xanthan gum, cinnamon, vanilla extract and a third of the flour and mix until well combined.

Add half of the milk and stir until well mixed, before adding another third of the flour and mix.

Add half of the oil and mix, add the remaining flour and mix well.

Stir in the remaining milk. You’re looking for a mix that is thick, shiny and holds it’s shape without being tough and this is where you may need to add the remaining oil to get that. Add a tablespoon at a time until you’re happy with the mix.

Finally stir in the chocolate chips.

Add enough of the mix to the doughnut maker so that it fills the base of the individual pan. Each batch will take approximately 3-6 minutes to cook, they’re ready when they look golden brown and remove easily from the pan. This recipe makes about 18 mini doughnuts.