‘It’s time to drink champagne and dance on the table’

There is no other quote that can sum me up more and when one of my friends gave me a picture with that quote in it, I proudly put it up in my kitchen and gave it a toast. I love to celebrate and will find any excuse to bake a cake, pour a drink and catch up.

I can’t always say I have loved baking and cooking, until the age of 25 I lived off tinned tomatoes on toast and microwave lasagnes. Then I started to get into baking cakes and desserts and that was it. I’m not going to profess to being any kind of expert, disasters happen regularly in my house. But I love nothing more than having a go and that is why I wanted to create this blog.

Cola and Cakes is my outlet for my love of baking and of celebrating simply anything.

Eat, drink and be merry


Sarah x