I’ve been itching to make something with caramel for ages. I have a caramel flavouring but wanted to go the whole hog and make the caramel from scratch. In the past I have been put off making caramel because it just seemed a bit scary: making sure you get the temperature right; dusting the side of the pans; adding ingredients and ending up with a big mess. So I have attempted a really easy way and combined it with a basic sponge mix for the cupcake so that the flavour of the caramel doesn’t fight with anything. This recipe makes 12 cupcakes.


200g self raising gluten free flour
1 tablespoon xanthan gum
200g golden caster sugar
175g unsalted butter at room temperature
3 eggs beaten
1 tablespoon milk

For the caramel filling
200g white sugar
100mls double cream- you probably won’t use all of this.

For the topping
150g icing sugar
100g white sugar

Preheat the oven to 160C and line a cupcake tray with cases.

I prefer the all in one method for cupcakes, so add all the ingredients and mix until you get a smooth mix. Spread evenly between the cases and bake for approximately 20 minutes until golden brown.

Put the cakes aside to cool.

Cut a square of greaseproof paper and set aside. Take a pan and add 100g of white sugar onto a low heat. The sugar will go from sticky to forming small, pebbles to becoming liquid.

Once you have reached the liquid stage, take a spoon and dribble fine lines about 20 cm by 20cm of the caramel onto the greaseproof paper, keep doing this, criss-crossing to make a grid of caramel. Leave to cool for a good 20 minutes until it completely solidifies.

Place a clean pan with the 200g of white sugar on a low heat on a hob and like before, stir frequently until you get a liquid. When you have reached the liquid stage, turn off the heat and slowly add half a tablespoon of cream- the lactose in cream combines far better with the sugar than butter or even water. Stir gently; add more cream a tablespoon at a time until you reach a thick liquid mixture.

Pour a teaspoon of the caramel mixture onto each cupcake so that it soaks into the sponge.

Take the icing sugar and in a bowl add a spoonful of water before mixing well. Keep adding the water a little at a time until you get a thick, white icing. Top the cakes with the icing.

Break the solid caramel into small pieces, top each cake with a piece of the caramel.