Somehow carrot cake makes me feel less guilty, I reason that perhaps I’m getting one of my five a day?? Either way, this recipe is really simple and makes a lovely, light cake.

400ml vegetable oil
400g gluten free plain flour
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
2 teaspoons gluten free bicarbonate of soda
450g golden caster sugar
5 medium eggs beaten
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 ½ tbsp. golden syrup
4 carrots grated

Preheat the oven to 160C and grease and line your tin, I used a square 20cm x 20cm.

Add the oil into a bowl and sift in the flour, xanthan gum and bicarb’ of soda, then add the remaining ingredients before stirring well. You should end up with quite a wet and thick mix.

Transfer to the tin and bake for about 40 mins or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.

You can top this cake with a buttercream or cream cheese topping, or I just mixed up some icing sugar and water to a thick-and-still-a-bit-runny consistency. If you want to freeze do so before adding any topping.