You can say thank you with flowers, or you can go that extra mile and bake something lovely. This little, sweat treat is big enough to show someone you care, but small and simple enough to make in no time at all. I made the flower shapes with a flower cutter, I’m not the neatest baker so this cutter was perfect and it came with three sizes so you can create any size of masterpiece.

I made this cake as an individual serving, having said that you could easily get two decent portions from this.

2 oz self raising flour
2 oz golden caster sugar

2oz unsalted butter, softened
1 medium egg
1 tbsp milk

11cm cake tin

For decorating
Butter icing
2oz unsalted butter
5oz icing sugar
1tbsp milk

250g ready to roll white icing
selection of ready to roll icing in colours for your flowers
flower cutters
Icing sugar for rolling
rolling pin

Preheat the oven to 150C and grease and line your tin.

Add all of the ingredients except the milk to a food processor and mix until well combined, if the mixture is a little tough add the milk.

Transfer to the baking tin and bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Allow the cake to cool.

To make the butter icing, mix the butter until soft then slowly add the icing sugar. Finally add the milk and mix until well combined.

Keep a small quantity of butter icing to one side to attach the flowers.

Spread the butter icing over the cake and chill in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

Roll out the white icing so it’s big enough to cover the cake and be trimmed.

Using the cutters press flowers in different sizes and colours.

Cover the cake trying to get as smooth as possible, trim off the excess. Attach the flowers with the set aside butter icing.