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Birthday day trip to Amsterdam

We’ve started a new tradition in my family, rather than buy a present we put the money towards a day trip somewhere. This week my sis and I went for a day trip to Amsterdam, a gift for my birthday. It was an early start but in less time that it takes to do most commutes we were in Amsterdam. We flew with Easy Jet, if you’re not tied to a date and can plan ahead you can get some good deals, we also did Dublin with Ryanair in the summer for just £9.99 (that was the Christmas present).

Schipol has a great rail link into Amsterdam Centraal, the journey is just 15 minutes and there are several trains an hour, a return ticket was €9.60. We didn’t plan anything apart from a trip to the Anne Frank Museum, this is something that we both really wanted to do but that you really need to book ahead for.

So by 10am we were in the middle of Amsterdam. With no set plans we decided to get a good look around the city by boat. The boat tour we did was €11 for an hour, each company offers slightly different tours but as they all depart from a similar areas you can have a look around to see which one you prefer.

We stepped off the boat and into Pancake Amsterdam it has a great menu of, well, pancakes, and after drooling over the menu we both went for a dutch pancake with apple crumble and ice cream. I don’t think anything will ever top that pancake. The cherry on the cake was the souvenir clog keyring we each got when we paid.

With full happy stomachs we had a wander down to Dam Square and on towards Prinsengracht, Amsterdam is a pretty compact city so it’s easy to have a meander through the streets and walk to the majority of touristy destinations.

I’ve wanted to visit the Anne Frank house since I read her diary at school. It’s difficult to describe the secret annexe just because it is one of those places that needs to be seen and felt. There are poignant reminders of the family, the postcards and pictures that Anne glued to the wall and the map that Otto stuck pins in to mark where Allied forces had landed.

There are lots of little side streets with unique shops that run off Prinsengracht, these are good for souvenirs that aren’t your run of the mill and for lovely home things. I picked up Christmas decorations and tealight holders.

I also picked up a vintage sequin top in one of the vintage shops. Of course I couldn’t go to Amsterdam and not come back with the obvious souvenirs like clogs and a penis shaped salt-shaker.

And if you want to sample the obvious Amsterdam then there is nowhere better than the red light district. If nothing else, this part is fascinating, the girls in the windows, the adult theatres and the coffee shops all dotted around the beautiful Oude Kerk church and along the canal. We went during the day and didn’t find it intimidating but it was definitely interesting. How do you top that? If you’re me, with a chocolate waffle. There are lots of bakeries dotted around the city and having got a whole set of sweet teeth, I had to go and sample a waffle, yep they’re as good as you’d like them to be.

On the back of a sugar rush we headed back to the train station and up to the airport where we boarded the plane and in an hour we were back on British soil with sore feet, happy memories and a penis shaped salt-shaker.

Gluten free American style pancakes

Happy Pancake Day!! Although it may not be a public holiday (I definitely think it should be), it is a good excuse to dig out any sweet treats, stick on your pyjama bottoms and eat pancakes till you burst.

This is quite a thick and squidgy mixture but it gives thick and fluffy American style pancakes. They can be made the night before and warmed up in the morning, just add a generous dollop of honey or mascarpone.

145g gluten free plain flour
1 tsp gluten free baking powder
1 tsp xanthum gum
2 ½ tbsp caster sugar
140ml semi-skimmed milk
2 large eggs beaten
100g blueberries

Oil for cooking

Sieve the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl.

In a jug mix the beaten egg and milk together.

Add a small amount of the wet mix into the dry ingredients and whisk well, carry on slowly adding the wet mix while whisking until it is all well combined and there are no lumps.

This is a thick mix but you may want to add more milk, a tablespoon at a time, to make a more manageable mix.

You need a hot, well oiled frying pan, as the mixture is thick you want to cook on more of a medium heat to make sure the pancake is thoroughly cooked.

Add an ice cream scoop size of mixture into the pan and level out, place some blueberries on the top side, when the bottom side is done, flip.