I wish I could claim this recipe as my own, but credit where it’s due. This really simple Traditional Chocolate Brownie recipe is taken from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook, I’ve baked it time and time again and it always turns out well. The only change I have made is to replace the dark chocolate with milk chocolate, which is a personal taste thing. For a bigger chocolate hit you can add extra chocolate chips after you’ve stirred in the eggs. And for a more indulgent treat, serve with cream or ice cream. I’ve also adapted this recipe a couple of times to make it gluten free, instead of normal plain flour I used gluten free and added a couple of teaspoons of Xanthan gum.

200g milk chocolate broken into pieces
175g unsalted butter
325g caster sugar
130g plain flour
3 eggs

Preheat the oven to 170c/325F

Place the chocolate and butter in a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water ensuring that the bowl doesn’t come into contact with the water. Wait until the butter and chocolate has melted and is smooth.

Remove from the heat and add the sugar, stirring until it is mixed well. Add the flour (and xanthan gum if you’re making the GF version) making sure it’s all incorporated then stir in the eggs. If you want to add extra chocolate chips, stir them in now. The mixture is quite dense and runny.

Transfer into your prepped baking tray and bake for about 30-40 minutes. This is quite a moist bake so when the edges are slightly coming away from the baking tray it’s most lightly done. Allow to cool and add a sprinkle of icing sugar. As lovely as these brownies taste on the day, they seem to taste even better the following too.